Who are We?

The Ole Miss Alumni Band exists to celebrate and preserve the lifelong connection between past and present members of the Ole Miss Bands. We aim to enrich the lives of our alumni through our events that support and continue the excellence that is the Ole Miss Band and the culture at Ole Miss.

Our Goals, Mission, and Vision

  • Our vision is to build a vibrant network that honors tradition, encourages growth, and creates meaningful opportunities for fellowship, performance, and service

  • ·      Our mission is to continually give back to our alumni through performing events, social events, social media engagement, and through the creation of alumni merchandise that supports our cause.

    ·      In addition to continually supporting our alumni we desire to offer scholarships to current Ole Miss Band students to help further their educational goals and musical commitment to future generations of musicians.

  • ·  Support the Ole Miss Bands in all we do

    · Foster relationships with all generations of band alumni

    ·  Promote fellowship among current and former members of the Ole Miss Bands

    ·  Give back to our alumni yearly with events, mailouts, and promotion items that represent Ole Miss and the Ole Miss Bands.

    · Give scholarships to students within the Ole Miss Band program to help further their educational pursuits.